Contributing to standards development

Registered Standards Users, and anyone invited to join the API Technical Working Group, can read and comment on all versions of API standards that are under development.

Registered Community Contributors can read and comment on ‘release candidate’ standards.

Development pipeline plan

The development pipeline plan is reviewed and determined following the release of updates to our standards and is subject to market input and API Council consideration.

Contributing to the pipeline plan

Registered Standards Users can contribute to the pipeline plan and the development process. They can also log into Confluence to view and comment on the plan, raise development issues, opportunities, and propose fixes. The API Business and Technical Working Groups then work together to deliver on the agreed plan of new standards and enhancements. To find out more about the role and responsibilities of the groups, see the About section.

API Community Contributors will also be consulted on the proposed annual pipeline plan.

To find out more about the benefits of being part of our API Centre, see the Join section.