The Minimum Open Banking Implementation Plan confirms the minimum requirements and timelines that five API Providers (ANZ, ASB, BNZ, Westpac and Kiwibank) must have standardised APIs technically and operationally ready for use by the centre’s Third Parties.

The banks included in this plan collectively represents coverage of more than 90% of all consumer accounts across Aotearoa’s banking market.

This page will be updated as we publish delivery milestone dates for new versions of the standards, as an API Provider becomes ready with the standards, and with any updates to implementation dates.

Minimum Open Banking Implementation Plan

Published 30 May 2023


Below you will find milestone delivery dates that apply to ANZ, ASB, BNZ, Kiwibank and Westpac for the delivery of:

  1. Payment Initiation (must be delivered with Security Profile v2.1)
  2. Account Information (must be delivered with Security Profile v2.1)

Payment Initiation implementation plan

Updates pending

Following 30 May 2024, the API Centre will gather reporting from API Providers to confirm their compliance with the implementation plan for payment initiation. This table will be updated with the results of this reporting when available.

API Provider Version 2.1 Version 2.2 Version 2.3
ANZ 30 May, 2024 - -
ASB 30 May, 2024 - -
Kiwibank 30 May, 2026 - -
Westpac 30 May, 2024 - -

Account Information implementation plan

API Providers Version 2.1.1 Version 2.2 Version 2.3
ANZ 30 Nov, 2024 - -
ASB 30 Nov, 2024 - -
BNZ 30 Nov, 2024 - -
Kiwibank 30 Nov, 2026 - -
Westpac 30 Nov, 2024 - -

Minimum requirements for API Providers to meet

These minimum requirements highlight important areas of functional and non-functional delivery scope for API Providers implementing version 2.1 of the open banking API standards. The requirements are taken from the API standards themselves and are applicable to API standards version 2.1.


Minimum requirements

Channel types The customer consent journey must be available via the bank’s mobile app, at a minimum, for the Customer Types and Accounts listed below.
Customer types API Providers must include Customers 18 years and over in their service.
Customer accounts requiring just single account signatory authorisation must be available in the API.
Account types Payments Initiation API is available for Transaction accounts only.
Account Information is available for Transactional, Credit Cards, Savings, and Lending accounts.
API Performance Target availability for both APIs: 99.5-99.9% *.
Partnering readiness 1. API Providers must be ready with a templated or reference bilateral agreement that can be used to start partnering negotiations.
2. API Providers must ensure staff are available to handle issues/bugs and offer support to Third Parties.
3. API Providers must have a developer portal that meets the requirements in the Standards.
4. API Provider should have an Integration testing environment that enables pre-production testing of v2.1*.
Other Non-functional API Providers must have service monitoring and alerts in place to monitor service reliability.
Quality & completeness Technical testing completed and release notes are available to the Third Party developer community.

* This is provided as a guideline only

Find out more

The API Centre has additional guides to help you develop your open banking-enabled innovations. On our website you can find out more about: