Each API Provider has reported on their progress towards the milestones and minimum requirements as set out in the minimum open banking implementation plan.

Account information

API Provider

Version 2.1

Progress Report


Last Updated

ANZ Bank 30 November, 2024 AMBER Reporting amber on the basis that ANZ has submitted an exemption application for redirect flow to web (security profile v2.1). In all other aspects of the delivery for Account Information we are currently tracking green.
ANZ intends to support app-redirect for customers on mobile devices.ANZ has implemented the decoupled consent flow (security profile v2.3)
8 April, 2024
ASB Bank 30 November, 2024 GREEN No comments provided 8 April, 2024
BNZ Bank 30 November, 2024 GREEN No comments provided 8 April, 2024
Kiwi Bank 30 November, 2026 - Whilst the 30 November 2024 date is not applicable to Kiwibank, it remains committed to delivery of the API Standards during 2026 as per the current industry implementation plan 8 April, 2024
Westpac Bank 30 November, 2024 AMBER No comments provided 8 April, 2024


  • Red means that the API Provider will not be able to meet the milestone in the Plan, and/or will not deliver to the mandatory scope, and/or cannot meet all minimum requirements
  • Amber means the milestones, mandatory scope, or minimum requirements are at risk of not being met, but the API Provider has actions in progress to bring the delivery programme back to “green”
  • Green means the API Provider is expecting to deliver to the milestones, mandatory scope, and minimum requirements on, or before, the milestone date.